Winner in the international Malamegi Lab 10 competition.

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Winner in the international Malamegi Lab 10 competition.

In Rome, in the modern art gallery “28 Piazza di Pietra” – right next door
Hadrian’s Temple – appreciated the work of Witold Śliwiński, who stayed
one of the winners of the Malamegi Lab competition.10.

Gallery page>

The art competition was directed to professional artists in such
disciplines of art such as graphics, painting, photography, sculpture, mix media,
digital or video work. Almost 500 works from around the world were sent to the competition, but only twelve artists qualified for the final exhibition.
The announcement of the results was preceded by a vernissage of works qualified for close the exhibition, which took place on September 29, 2018.

Pictures from the vernissage >

Poland was represented by the artist known in Podkarpacie – Witold Śliwiński,
which he submitted to the competition three sculptures created mainly – he could not be different – glass. The artist cleverly combines glass with other materials such as metal, stone, creating original and original sculptural compositions.
One of the abstract forms Fri “Mergence” qualified for the exhibition
finalists and was especially distinguished by the curators of the exhibition
Massimo Toffolo and Margherita Jędrzejowska, because it enriched the collection the art of the competition organizer.

Results announcement page>

Four equivalent prizes were awarded in the competition. One of them was
purchase of the awarded work to the value of 2000 euros. The prize was awarded Witold Śliwiński. The other prizes are: financial award o
1000 Euro, issue at the expense of the organizer of the book / album contest
in the form of a monograph of the artist and allowing the artist to create his own the Malamegi collection, which will be advertised and presented to everyone recipients of the trade network.
The company Malamegi, which has been present on the market of artistic accessories for many years for interior design also offers serial works of art on the international market.
This success opens the door for the artist from Krosno to reach with his works
to customers with a very refined taste, for example, through cooperation with studies design projects in Italy and abroad.

Final sculpture

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